Homeowners are urged not to hire anyone soliciting door-to-door. Watch out for shiny new trucks and equipment with out-of-state license plates. Some of these so-called “companies” use legitimate names of out-of-state companies, or names that are very close to legitimate companies in this area. They usually offer great deals because they have left-over material from a nearby job. Their great deals usually cost you more in the long run. Richland Sealcoating Co., Inc. has seen too many of these fly-by-night people in our 50 years of business.
Protect yourself by hiring only known companies. Most legitimate companies do not go door-to-door looking for work. You might receive a mailer or phone call in advance, but not a simple door-to-door solicitation offering a great deal.
Many of these disreputable individuals, some known as travelers, systematically go from neighborhood to neighborhood and offer driveway repairs and sealcoating. Often, homeowners pay in advance for poor quality or no work at all, while the scam artist is nowhere to be found. Senior citizens are the most frequent victims of these types of activities. You should be very careful when being approached for driveway repairs. Always have a written estimate with the company’s full name and address with a phone number. Never pay in advance. Reputable companies will leave you a bill after the work is completed. If you want to pay when the work is completed, you should get a copy of the bill with your check number and amount paid written on it. Remember, most legitimate contractors do not:
Go door to door soliciting business.
Require cash payment, or payment in advance.
Require that the customer accept left-over materials.
Have out-of-state plates and shiny new trucks, with toll-free phone numbers.